At Wittenberg, we believe that every person matters. Our hope is to continue to build a campus climate that empowers and supports students to discover who they were meant to be.
Campus Ministries - grounded in our Lutheran heritage, students of all faiths and religious backgrounds are welcomed to express themselves and continue their spiritual journey at Wittenberg. Your gift will make a direct impact on our students - stocking the Campus Cupboard (food pantry), funding an inspiring speaker on campus, and providing program support to benefit the spiritual wellness of the campus community.
Community Service Program - this program provides students with opportunities to serve, to connect with the greater Springfield community, and to reflect on the service experience to better understand themselves, community needs, and their responsibility in advancing the common good.
Counseling Center - gifts to this fund help support the campus counseling center. Counseling services are offered to currently enrolled Wittenberg students, free of charge, and provide support for a variety of concerns including depression, anxiety, relationship problems, adjustment issues, grief over the loss of a loved one, eating disorders, sexual assault, and alcohol and other drug abuse problems.
Greek Life Fund - the fraternity and sorority community at Wittenberg aims to develop leaders who are dedicated to lifelong membership and community involvement through our commitment to academic excellence, positive relationships, and civic engagement, as well as diversity and inclusion. Gifts to the Greek Life Fund support programming initiatives for all fraternity and sorority organizations currently active at Wittenberg.
The John C. Lobach Memorial Fund - an endowed fund that supports students with unexpected financial need, created in memory of John C. Lobach '69.
Student Emergency Fund - designed to care for others first, the Student Emergency Fund assists students who encounter unforeseen financial emergencies or events which would otherwise prevent them from continuing their education at Wittenberg.