Immediate University Priorities

Together, we will meet this moment, when circumstances demand that we fill the most pressing, most immediate needs of the university.

Why It Matters

Wittenberg graduates lead by example, strengthening communities and serving the public good. Our alumni can be there for others because Wittenberg was there for them. Every gift, regardless of its size, strengthens our legacy of passing our light for decades to come. 

How We Can Make a Difference

Unrestricted gifts to The Wittenberg Fund support the area of greatest need on campus and directly impact each of our students on a daily basis. 

Why Right Now

The challenges facing Wittenberg and all of higher education are significant. Specifically, we face an operational shortfall and cash crunch for the current fiscal year and next. While we have reduced expenses substantially, additional cuts would jeopardize our future plans. We need dedicated champions to help increase support of the immediate University priorities. Now is our moment to ensure an exceptional educational experience for current students, and financial stability and sustainability for years to come. 

Give Like a Tiger - Immediate University Priorities
In celebration of #Commit2Witt, Board of Directors member Robert G. Merzweiler ’76 is ready to pass his light and inspire others to give like a Tiger! When we reach 200 gifts in support of Immediate University Priorities, he will release $5,000 to make an even greater impact. Pass Your Light! Give Like a Tiger!
200 Gift Goal
Shaping Generations Through Education!
Steve '75 and Mary Alice '75 Neely are generously offering a $2,500 challenge to honor Wittenberg’s incredible Education Department professors—those who have shaped generations of students, just as Dr. Virginia Lucas did for Mary Alice. Once we receive 750 gifts during #Commit2Witt, their challenge will be unlocked, amplifying the impact of every gift. Pass your light, give like a Tiger, and support the legacy of excellence in education.
750 Gift Goal
100 Donor Challenge
Steven '79 and Catherine Jefferis are issuing a 100 Donor Challenge! When we receive gifts from 100 unique donors, they will unlock $1,000 for The Wittenberg Fund. Let’s come together and make an impact! Pass your light and give like a Tiger during #Commit2Witt!
100 Donor Goal
Double Your Impact: Career Explorations
To celebrate #Commit2Witt, Charlie Giffin '00 will match dollar for dollar up to $10,000 any donation made to the Career Exploration & Outcomes Fund.
2000-2009 Grad Year Challenge
Julian ’01 and Brianne Barclay ’04 Gilbert are calling on Wittenberg graduates from the classes of 2000 to 2009 to Give Like a Tiger! Once we receive 50 gifts from graduates of this decade, they will unlock their generous $1,750 gift to the Witt Fund.
50 Gift Goal
1980s Grad Challenge
George '84 and Judy '82 Huntley are leading the 1980s challenge! They will unlock $10,000 for The Wittenberg Fund when we receive 100 gifts from 1980s grads during #Commit2Witt. Let’s make an impact. Pass Your Light! Give Like a Tiger!
100 Gift Goal
1960s Grad Challenge
A special challenge just for 1960s grads! Witt Wed alumni from the era are stepping up to unlock $1,000 for The Wittenberg Fund once 60 gifts are made to any fund. Let’s join together to make an impact. Pass your light and give like a Tiger during #Commit2Witt!
60 Gift Goal
Alumni Board First-time Donor Challenge
The Alumni Association Board is challenging the Witt community to help 250 alumni and friends who have never made a gift to Wittenberg make their first gift today in celebration of Commit to Witt. When 250 first time donors make their gift, the Alumni Association will unlock $1,845!
250 Donor Goal
Springfield Alumni Challenge
Karen Duncan '67 is calling on Springfield alumni to support Wittenberg and its strong connection to the community! When 20 gifts are made by Springfield alumni, she will unlock $1,000 in support. Pass your light and give like a Tiger during #Commit2Witt!
20 Gift Goal
Where's Ezry Challenge
Where's Ezry the Tiger? Cheryl '78 and Howard Petty are challenging Wittenberg students to find Ezry the Tiger during Commit to Witt! When students find a stress Ezry or a plush Ezry on campus they will unlock a portion of this new and exciting competitive $4,000 challenge! This challenge benefits The Wittenberg Fund. The winner will snap a picture and tag Wittenberg University on Instagram or X and share where they found Ezry. The victor keeps Ezry and is entered to win a prize from a local business.
Decades Challenge
Give like a Tiger and see which decade has the most Tiger Pride on #Commit2Witt.
Ohio Tigers Challenge
Attention Ohio Tigers! A generous anonymous donor is ready to unlock $2,000 for The Wittenberg Fund after we receive the next 50 gifts from donors in Ohio. Show your support during #Commit2Witt as we unlock this amazing challenge together. Pass Your Light! Give Like a Tiger!
Early Giving Challenge
Janet E. Jackson '75 knows that Wittenberg needs dedicated champions to give back as part of #Commit2Witt. That's why she will donate $2,500 to the Witt Fund when early gifts from fellow Tigers total the same amount!
$2,500 Goal
Double Your Impact - Witt Fund
To kick us off during #Commit2Witt, Board of Directors member David Baines will match, dollar for dollar, the first $50,000 donated to The Wittenberg Fund. Pass Your Light! Give Like a Tiger!
Witt Opportunity Scholarship
Gwen Owen, Assistant Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students, and Joi Garrett Scales, Assistant Dean of Students and Director of the McClain Center, recognize the profound impact scholarships have on our students. To support their success, they will unlock $1,845 for the Witt Opportunity Scholarship Fund once we receive 25 gifts to the Witt Opportunity Scholarship.
25 Gift Goal
Witt Opportunity Scholarship
Laurie ’79 and Dave '79 Griffin know the value of a Witt education and the impact a scholarship can make. They will match dollar-for-dollar, up to $1,845, any gifts made in support of the Witt Opportunity Scholarship Fund.
90s Grads Challenge
Dave Huml '91 is challenging all 1990s grads to step up during #Commit2Witt! After we receive the next 25 gifts from 1990s graduates, he will unlock $5,000 for The Wittenberg Fund. Pass Your Light! Give Like a Tiger!
25 Gift Goal
1970s Grad Challenge
The class of 1971 is stepping up with a bold challenge! Anonymous #WittWed alumni from the 1970s are calling on their fellow Tigers from the decade to pass their light and give like a Tiger. When 100 gifts are made to any fund by 1970s grads during #Commit2Witt, they will unlock $10,000 for The Wittenberg Fund. Let’s unite as a decade and make an impact!
100 Gift Goal
Witt's Greatest Needs
In celebration of #Commit2Witt, Board of Directors member Michael Summers ’76 and his wife, Gwendolyn, will release $7,000 when we reach 200 gifts in support of The Wittenberg Fund, Wittenberg's greatest needs. Now is the time to pass your light and give like a Tiger!
200 Gift Goal
Local Alumni Challenge
Calling all local alumni from Springfield and the surrounding areas! An anonymous alumnus from the class of 1983 is challenging you to make an impact. They will unlock $1,000 for The Wittenberg Fund once we receive 50 gifts from local Tigers during #Commit2Witt. Pass your light and give like a Tiger!
50 Gift Goal
Name an Honorary Tiger Cub
Here’s your chance to make an impact! For a gift of $18.45 to the Witt Opportunity Scholarship, you can name a Tiger Cub and receive a personalized certificate. It’s a fun way to leave your mark and support future Tigers. Pass your light and give like a Tiger during #Commit2Witt!
Challenge for Challenge
An anonymous challenger is excited to issue their first-ever challenge gift for #Commit2Witt! They’re inviting fellow alumni and supporters to join the fun by creating their own challenge gifts of $1,000 or more. It’s not too late to pass your light and give like a tiger! Be the first to unlock their generous $5,000 gift to The Wittenberg Fund by emailing to set up your custom Commit to Witt challenge today. Let’s make an impact together!
Alumni Chapter Leaderboard
Pass your light and give like a Tiger! Show your alumni pride and see where your chapter stacks up in the leaderboard.
Make Your Commitment on Commit to Witt Day
When 50 alumni commit to any recurring gift, monthly or quarterly, the Alumni Association Board will unlock $1,845. Pass your light and give like a Tiger!
Don't forget to share!

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